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  1. Scientists Investigate Spiritualist Mediums: Why Some …

    ওয়েব17 জানু, 2021 · The study found that clairaudient mediums have a proclivity for absorption, unusual auditory experiences, and spiritualist beliefs. They may interpret their experiences as communication from …

  2. What can science tell us about mediums who hear voices?

  3. এছাড়াও লোকেরা জানতে চায়
    In Spiritism and Spiritualism the medium has the role of an intermediary between the world of the living and the world of spirit. Mediums say that they can listen to and relay messages from spirits, or that they can allow a spirit to control their body and speak through it directly or by using automatic writing or drawing .
    Spiritualism is a movement whose adherents believe that the spirits of deceased people continue to live on after physical death. Mediums claim that they have the ability to communicate with the spirits through seeing (“clairvoyant”), feeling (“clairsentient”), or hearing (“clairaudient”) them.
    Mediumship is the pseudoscientific practice of mediating communication between familiar spirits or spirits of the dead and living human beings. Practitioners are known as "mediums" or "spirit mediums". There are different types of mediumship or spirit channelling, including séance tables, trance, and ouija.
    Spirits were said to have the power to levitate objects, to speak independently of the medium, to leave pictures on photographic plates, and to materialize objects, including themselves. Also basic to spiritualist practice is “spirit healing.”
  4. Mediumship - Wikipedia

  5. Spiritualism - Mediumship, Seances, Trance | Britannica

  7. Are Mediums Real? Learn The Intricacies Of …

    ওয়েব17 নভেম্বর, 2022 · Learn how a research scientist tests and studies mediums who claim to communicate with the deceased and what she observes in their brain activity. Find out the differences and …

  8. BBC - Religions - Spiritualism: Spiritualism at a glance

  9. Study Finds the Unexpected in the Brains of Spirit …

    ওয়েব5 ডিসেম্বর, 2012 · My Magic 8 Ball says "Outlook not so good." But a new brain study of Brazilian mediums shows that something decidedly strange is occurring during the famous "trance state," and no one has …

  10. Mediumship | The Spiritualists' National Union

  11. BBC - Religions - Spiritualism: The spirit world and spirit beings

  12. Spiritualism | Religion, Beliefs, Practices & History | Britannica

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