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  1. Undersøgelser af dental pulp stem cell treatment
  2. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) are neural crest-derived ecto-mesenchymal stem cells that can relatively easily and non-invasively be isolated from the dental pulp of extracted postnatal and adult teeth. Accumulating evidence suggests that DPSC have great promise as a cellular therapy for central nervous system (CNS) and retinal injury and disease.
    Author: Benjamin Mead, Ann Logan, Martin Berry, Wendy Leadbeater, Ben A. Scheven
    Publish Year: 2017
    Cited By: 95
    Published: 07 June 2016
    Volume: 35, Issue1
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    WEBden 9. jul. 2020 · Recently, dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) have been isolated from dental pulp tissue of adult permanent teeth and deciduous teeth, …

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