आपका रोज़ाना का AI कंपेनियन
9,31,000 परिणामों में से 21-30
  1. Metabolic support by macrophages sustains colonic ... - Cell Press

  2. Cellular Metabolism: Definition, Process & the Role of ATP

  3. Cell Metabolism | by Elsevier

  4. Metabolism as a guiding force for immunity | Nature Cell Biology

  5. Cellular Metabolism at a Glance - PubMed

  6. Issue: Cell Metabolism

  7. Physiology, Metabolism - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

  8. Introduction to metabolism review (article) | Khan Academy

  9. Cellular Metabolism - A section of Cells - MDPI

  10. Celebrating metabolism from cells to organisms | Nature Cell